Plastic bottles are commonly spare in every house and often go to the dustbin, Bottle puppet making post is talking about the ‘reuse and recycle’ but definitely, seeks adult involvement. Kids can be involved with parents in this interesting activity to create a show piece or a toy.
Firstly, this post is dealing with just one of the many ideas to recycle plastic bottles. Secondly, there is a need of strict vigilance to ensure that all craft is safe and doen with an adult supervising the kids.
Doll Making
This post describes a method to recycle a plastic bottle for doll making (kolu doll bottle puppet), however, one may change the character and develop puppets for stories, skittles for the bowling ally and much more.
What would you need?
- Empty (transparent) plastic bottle
- Colorful construction paper / tissue paper / crepe paper/ newspaper / magazine paper
- A piece of white paper
- Pencil & eraser
- Sketch pens
- Child safe scissors
- Glue
How to work with the material?
- Give the colorful pieces of paper to your child and ask him / her to tear the sheet into bits of paper.
- Fill the bits of paper into the bottle. If you have specific colored bits you can make layers of different colors, so you will have keep the different coloured bits separate.
- You can also mix up all the colors while filling up the bottle with the bits. Let your child choose what they prefer to do.
- Replace the cap on the bottle once the bottle is filled with bits of paper.
- Draw a face on the white paper and cut out along the outline. Kids drawing for themselves is always welcome. However, if your child needs assistance, feel free to work on this joint project.
- Child can decide whose face they wish to draw girl, boy, woman, man, character of their choice from some story, etc.
- Color the face, cut along the outline. We recommend to avoid giving sharp objects / scissors in children’s hands, therefore, adults must assist.
- Paste the face out line on the neck of the bottle and leave it undisturbed for a few hours.
- You and your child may add accessories to the bottle character.
Certainly, a step by step video on how to go about making a bottle puppet / doll by recycling a plastic bottle will be more interesting.
You may also like our post on recycling a plastic bottle. https://timesofpreschool.com/blog_times-of-preschool/
Very nice
Beautiful and easy craft..